Wednesday - Monday | 11-5
Living and working in the Ninth Ward of New Orleans, Calhoun and McCormick have documented the city and its people for forty years.
This presentation will exhibit their photographs of laboring communities including the last sugar cane and sweet potato harvesters, unionized dockworkers, musician day laborers, hospitality and restaurant workers, domestic caretakers and one of the largest workforces in the state of Louisiana, the inmates of the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. This will be the first exhibition to present this comprehensive study of the history and present of the city’s changing labor force..
Support for this exhibition is provided by the Azby Fund, Sydney & Walda Besthoff, The Helis Foundation, the John T. Scott Guild and the Visual Arts Exhibition Fund.
This exhibition is also supported in part by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans and administered by the Arts Council New Orleans, as well as by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council.