Tuesday - Saturday | 10-5
Sunday by appointment
23 August, 2018
stellajonesgallery@gmail.com | 504-568-9050
Evita Tezeno
“Memories That Speak to My Soul”
Opening: FRIDAY, September 7, 5pm – 7pm ** NEW DAY**
Artist in Attendance
On Exhibition: September 1 through September 28, 2018
Black Lives Matter in this collection of collages by Port Arthur, Texas artist, Evita Tezeno. Her sentimental memories take us back to a time in our collective memories when kids would play outside all day riding bikes, skipping rope, or playing hopscotch and adults would always dress for success. In her work, Tezeno creates a carefree everyday black life through portraits that are idealistic, serene and most importantly, hopeful. Whether they are true recollections or sanitized versions seems less important than the artist’s timing in providing a vision filled with humanity that speaks to what it could mean to be black in America.
Tezeno created the 1999 Congo Square poster Les Demoiselles du Congo Square and according to Art 4 Now, she “reclaims the African aesthetic appropriated by Picasso in 1906. Her passionate collage evokes the rhythmic dances that thundered through Congo Square (now part of Louis Armstrong park) each Sunday a century and a half ago.”
Pablo Picasso’s idea that, “the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls” is particularly timely in this era of dissension and tension, and Tezeno reclaims that aspiration in her works.
Tezeno’s work can be found in many private collections and has been commissioned by the Essence Music Festival, Dallas Ellum Film Festival and the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival.
About Stella Jones Gallery:
SJG is proud to be listed as a Cultural Landmark by The Drum newspaper. We were named by Thrillist as one of THE FOUR SPOTS THAT HAVE TRANSFORMED THE ARTS DISTRICT INTO NOLA’S HOTTEST NEIGHBORHOOD. SJG has been selected as a 2018 Downtown NOLA Award Honoree.
Stella Jones Gallery - 201 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana 70170.
For more information, please contact 504-568-9050/stellajonesgallery@gmail.com or visit www.stellajonesgallery.com