Tuesday - Saturday | 10-5
Sunday by appointment
Patrick Waldemar
Old and New New Orleans
Opening: Saturday, February 9, 2019 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
On Exhibition: February 1, 2019 - March 26, 2019
In Gallery II we welcome Patrick Waldemar with a series of paintings celebrating New Orleans’ past and present which explore our traditions of music, pageantry and mix of ethnicities.
About Stella Jones Gallery:
SJG was selected as a 2018 Downtown NOLA Awards Honoree, has been listed as a Cultural Landmark by The Drum newspaper and named by Thrillist as one of THE FOUR SPOTS THAT HAVE TRANSFORMED THE ARTS DISTRICT INTO NOLA’S HOTTEST NEIGHBORHOOD.
stellajonesgallery@gmail.com | 504-568-9050